


BACCHUS project particitipated in IROS 2022 that took place in Kyoto 24-27 October, with two papers:

Kinesthetic teaching of bi-manual tasks with known relative constraints

Sotiris Stavridis, Dimitrios Papageorgiou and Zoe Doulgeri

Learning Push-Grasping in Dense Clutter

Marios Kiatos, Iason Sarantopoulos, Leonidas Koutras, Sotiris Malassiotis and Zoe Doulgeri

Photo: The Robotics & Automation Lab members of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki who participated in IROS

Project Coordinator
Prof. Zoe Doulgeri
Automation & Robotics Lab
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Thessaloniki 54124, Greece

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871704.

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Bacchus Project BACCHUS Project
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