Project updates in year 1
Since our kick-off meeting early in 2020, we have been all affected by the COVID-19 lockdown and the travel restrictions.
We have had two plenary meetings through web-conferencing in November 2020 and in March 2021. In the meantime, more than 20 webmeetings have been performed among the partners.
Fortunately, the three partners located in Thessaloniki (AUTH, CERTH, Gerovassileiou) were able to perform some field measurements from the vineyard, which were really helpful to extract useful information for the project.
Our partners in UNITO and UoL were doing their best to carry out their tasks remotely. Simulating a vineyard environment is not easy, but we managed it.
Finally, Robotnik and SAGA were building the two robot platforms for harvesting and inspection.
We are hoping for the COVID-19 situation to deescalate as soon as possible and put our robots at the field!